Hello, beautiful souls!

When I was at a lane behind my house and was about to take my first step to walk, a late bloomer of Jacaranda shed right in front me.

Jacaranda get their peak time full of violet flowers around October and November.

The fallen flower paused me, developing my imagination.

When it blooms out to the world, this guy just lived up spending its prime time.

Most of others were already bloomed and gone months ago, but it’s OK.

In its view, there is no such competition and comparison.

It doesn’t have ego there holding you with the worry like

‘How do people look at me?’

‘Am I enough?’

All living things in nature have their own fixed vibrations that are not variable.

They just live as they are, and nature is in harmony and in equilibrium.

‘Live your life’

‘Take and enjoy your privilege of who you are’

I felt that’s the messages from the fallen Jacaranda late bloomer.


February Online Expressive Art Workshop 🌈
(Start: 7pm – 8:15pm AEDT)

8th: ‘Create Your Mandala’
15th: ‘Road Trip’
28th: ‘Embody Yourself in Colours & Lines’

It will be great to if this program helps nurturing you. 🙂

*Please don’t hesitate to contact me for private or semi-private sessions.
✉️: mytherapy@makikoyano.com
📞: 0403 422 432.
FB: @okikamtherapy


Thank you for stopping by. 🌈

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